IRT 3000


SmartTeam vs 3DEXPERIENCE platform


By developing the market, the need for effective project management solutions has emerged. Advancement of Information Technology creates consumers who are becoming increasingly demanding.

Due to such an environment, it is necessary to respond to all requirements efficiently, quickly and reliably. The 3DEXPERIENCE platform integrates multiple software into a single central database, which is always available, wherever you are. Integrating modeling and simulation applications, applications for sharing information as well as social networking within this platform creates an environment in which a user can respond in real time to market demands.


Within the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, product information, which is currently being developed, is available to designers and engineers at each stage of development, and the change is possible in the central database. This possibility significantly accelerates the process from the conceptual solution to the placement of the new product on the market. The database, in addition to 3D models and physical data, also contains the requirements of your product and logistic structure, which simplifies the data management process and facilitates collaboration and information exchange.


Users of SmartTeam, on the other hand, do not have the possibility to change the data of a single product or project in real time in a centralized database. It is necessary for them to download the information to the local computer, from where they can be changed, but without changing the database where all the data is stored. After changing the data on a local computer, your change needs to be confirmed by the sector manager, which complicates and slows down the product development process. The 3DEXPERIENCE platform allows real-time changes visible to anyone working on product development, whether they are constructors, engineers, sector managers, or logistics employees.

The possibilities that the 3DEXPERIENCE platform offers are far more efficient and productive, making this platform a desirable for most participants in the battle to conquer new markets. By joining a database in which information changes in real time, with product modeling and analysis applications, product lifecycle management and social network for information sharing, a step forward has been made, but also a need to adapt to a new work environment that will respond more effectively to consumer demand.

ar©tur 2021