Dne 04.11.2018 potekajo naslednji dogodki:
- Consumenta Nürnberg-Consumers Exhibition and Special Display 27.10.2018 04.11.2018
- offerta-Entertainment and Shopping for the Whole Family 27.10.2018 04.11.2018
- iENA-International Trade Fair \'Ideas-Inventions-New Products\' 01.11.2018 04.11.2018
- Countryside-Onweerstaanbaar Inspirerend 01.11.2018 04.11.2018
- schön&gut-Regional Consumer Goods Exhibition 01.11.2018 04.11.2018
- KOSTBAR + Sag Ja!-Jewellery, Pleasure and Way of Life / Wedding Exhibition 03.11.2018 04.11.2018